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In acknowledgment of its efforts in promoting women empowerment and fostering a diverse and fair workplace environment, P&G Pakistan today was awarded with the prestigious 'Champion of 2023' title at the 6th annual OICCI Women Empowerment Awards hosted by the Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI).


OICCI, the oldest and largest investment chamber, plays a major role in the growth of commerce and industry in the country with 200 plus members representing 35 different countries and 14 different sectors of trade and industry. OICCI Women Empowerment Awards are the continuation of the OICCI Women initiative which was launched to encourage member companies to become role models to empower women in the workforce and create gender equality within their respective organizations.


Promoting gender equality and diversity has been a long-standing mission of P&G Pakistan. The company has been actively working to raise their voice to tackle gender bias, remove barriers to education for girls, create economic opportunities for women through corporate and brand programs, and policy advocacy, achieve an inclusive, gender-equal environment within P&G, while also advocating for gender and intersectional equality in workplaces everywhere so that everyone can contribute to their full potential.


Commenting on the receipt of this prestigious award the SVP and CEO of P&G Pakistan, Adil Farhat said “We're honored to be named the 2023 Champion by OICCI at the Women Empowerment Awards for the second consecutive year. This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to gender equality. With women comprising over 50% of leadership and key roles across our sites, we're proud of the progress we have made. We remain steadfast in our commitment to achieving gender parity and expanding economic opportunities for women in a sustainable way. Thanks to OICCI for this acknowledgment, inspiring us to further our efforts towards a more inclusive world.”


P&G Pakistan is committed to fostering fair and equitable opportunities for all employees, with a dedicated focus on recruiting and promoting a diverse workforce. As part of our commitment to advancing Equity & Inclusion (E&I), promoting mental wellness is a key priority for the company. This is where the Company proactively engages in conversations and initiatives aimed at addressing microaggressions, underrepresentation, and unconscious biases. Recognizing the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive workplace environment, P&G prioritizes creating spaces where all employees feel valued and respected.


Moreover, P&G is actively bridging the generation gap by engaging and empowering Gen Z, recognizing their growing influence in both the workforce and consumer landscape. This commitment is reinforced through diverse leadership styles that resonate with this dynamic demographic. In addition, P&G demonstrates its dedication to employee well-being and family support through progressive policies. New mothers’ benefit from six months of fully paid maternity leave, while the 'Share the Care' parental leave policy provides new fathers with a minimum of eight weeks of fully paid leave. These initiatives underscore P&G's commitment to fostering inclusivity and support during significant life transitions.


Furthermore, P&G's impact extends beyond the workplace through strategic partnerships with organizations like Health Oriented Preventive Education (HOPE) and Akhuwat Microfinance. These collaborations have resulted in substantial strides towards providing quality education and economic empowerment to underprivileged communities in Pakistan. To date, P&G has facilitated the education of over 20,000 girls and offered microloans to approximately 100 women, empowering them to create brighter futures for themselves and their families. As a proud partner of STEMconnector, P&G is dedicated to inspiring and supporting girls and women worldwide to pursue, persist, and excel in STEM careers. Through mentoring programs, P&G Pakistan has had the privilege of guiding nearly 1000 women on their journey towards success in various fields, contributing to greater gender diversity and representation in critical areas of expertise.



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