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OPPO Unveils Winners of imagine IF Photography Awards 2023, Inspiring Smartphone Users to Create Timeless Masterpieces


OPPO announced the winners of the imagine IF Photography Awards 2023. Fifteen photographers have been awarded Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards, and thirty-two inspiring entries spanning eight different categories were revealed to inspire the creativity of OPPO users worldwide.

Launched on April 17, the imaging IF Photography Awards has received more than 700,000 entries from 51 countries and regions. The competition aims to inspire OPPO users and mobile photographers to push beyond conventional boundaries associated with mobile photography and unleash their imagination to create memorable masterpieces.

Celebrating the Fifteen Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award Winners

With exceptional skill and talent showcased throughout the competition, Ahei Huan emerged as the winner of the OPPO image IF Master of the Year (Gold Award). The artist’s winning series, “Daughters of the Moon”, was selected through a rigorous process overseen by a distinguished panel of internationally acclaimed judges.

Gold Award: “Daughters of the Moon” by Ahei Huan (China), Shot on OPPO Find X6 Pro

“Daughters of the Moon” includes a series of portrait photos that capture the characteristics of Yi minorities, depicting the serenity and positivity of Yi women and their ethnic fashion and lifestyle.

“What first catches my eye about this work is its professionalism,” said Alec Soth, a renowned contemporary photographic artist and member of Magnum Photos. “These images are crafted with precision and great sensitivity.”

As the Gold Award winner, Ahei Huan will receive a prize of RMB 160,000, a 2023 OPPO flagship product set featuring a smartphone, headset, watch, and tablet, and will be invited to participate in the Hasselblad Image Training Camp and signed as OPPO Photographer of the Year.

OPPO is committed to delivering innovations in smartphone imaging technology that empower everyone to create timeless masterpieces. Its latest flagship, OPPO Find X6 Pro, has garnered considerable acclaim among professional photographers and photography enthusiasts since its launch earlier this year. Notably, more than 80% of the award-winning entries were shot on this exceptional device.

Beyond Find X6 Pro, the precise reproduction of light and shadow on other OPPO smartphones give images a distinct, impactful look. The four Silver Award winners have expertly leveraged this capability to infuse artistry and imagination into their work. They will each receive a prize of RMB 60,000 and an OPPO Find X6 Pro in addition to opportunities for training and international exposure.


Sliver Award winners:

Left: “People around Tashilunpo Monastery” by Zhijie Yang (China), Shot on OPPO Find X6 Pro

Upper-middle: “Dancing with the wind” by BeiShanHuangTu (China), Shot on OPPO Find N2

Lower-middle: “Catch Fish In The Net” by DO ANH VU (Vietnam), Shot on OPPO Find X6 Pro

Right: “Harp Concerto” by Huo Qiu (China), Shot on OPPO Find X6 Pro


In addition, ten photographers from China and Bangladesh were honoured with OPPO Bronze Awards[1]. Their creative work includes portraits, architecture, landscape, magnificent nature and more, all showcasing inspiring colour contrast, strong colour composition, and unique expressions of emotion. Each Bronze Award winner will receive a prize of RMB 20,000 and an OPPO Find X6 Pro, as well as opportunities for training and exposure.


Beyond the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards, OPPO also unveiled a total of thirty-two creative works across eight entry categories, including The Distant View, Portrait, Night Scenery, Colors, Landscape, The Taste of Memories, Light & Shadow, and Chapters of a Life. To view all the inspiring works, please visit the official OPPO imagine IF Photography Awards website at


As the Associate Partner of the largest international art fair, Paris Photo, OPPO will bring some of the winning photographic works from the OPPO imagine IF Photography Awards 2023 to the exhibition and celebrate them together with global audiences.




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