Free Fire Pakistan have announced the onboarding of Asim Azhar and Merub Ali in their latest collaboration which will feature a new single followed by a music video co-created with Asim Azhar. This collaboration brings about the first published work of the infamous celebrity couple, with the pair featuring together for the first time ever. Free Fire is the world's leading mobile battle royale game with over 1 Billion downloads and has been at the forefront of the Esports revolution in Pakistan. The track is expected to be released on the special occasion of Eid-ul-Adha this year, with fans eagerly awaiting the first look of the popular couple in the music video. Free Fire Pakistan has previously made some notable collaborations with many big names from Pakistani music industry like Ali Zafar, Young Stunners, Junaid Khan, and Falak Shabir and have gone to add Asim Azhar to that list. More recently Free Fire Pakistan announ...