Member of the National Assembly, Makhdoom Zain Qureshi, and Raja Murad Khan’s, CEO of CarFirst inaugurated the launch of CarFirst operations in Multan. Mr. Zain Qureshi and Mr. Murad Khan talked about the importance of creating sustainable jobs in Multan. The CEO of CarFirst shared the company’s vision, services, and products with the members of the Multan press. Makhdoom Zain Qureshi, Member of the National Assembly said: “The biggest challenge facing the used car industry in Multan was reliable sources and quick payment, CarFirst directly solves these problems eliminating any elements of fraud with their instant inspection and payment system. The contemporary world requires digitalization and innovative solutions to our problems, for all these reasons and more we welcome CarFirst to Multan and pray for their prosperity.” While speaking to the members of the Multan press, Raja Murad Khan, CEO and Co-Founder CarFirst , said “ CarFirst, has a progressive...