Realme 5i, the latest budget smartphone from Realme, is available for sale from February 26, 2020.The phone is priced at Rs. 24,999. The smartphone is available in two color trims — Forest Green and Aqua Blue. It comes with a massive 5,000 mAh battery capacity as well as quad camera set up at the back. For a budget smartphone, the new smartphone comes with a 6.52-inch display and a waterdrop notch. realme 5 series achieved great success, the shipments of 5 series exceeded 5.5 million units globally. Now as entry-level model of 5 series family, realme 5i also brings great user experience in camera, battery, performance and design, but with more affordable price for more consumers. With a massive 5000 mAh battery, realme 5i provides best battery life performance and longest 30-day standby in the price segment. It can make you enjoy extra-long entertainment experience. The realme 5i have also been equipped with fireproof protective separation and triple precautions to guar...